The heart of the Whey-Truffles is created by the goat whey.
The whey is a fat and calorie light food, that has besides high quality and especially easy to digest whey protein, also a high content of Vitamins (B1, B2, B6) and Minerals (Potassium and Calcium). Due to the ingredients, the whey reacts positively to your digestive tract. From the lactose contained in the whey, dextrorotary lactic acid is created. This promotes a healthy intestinal flora. However persons with a lactose intolerance, should still abstain from goat whey.
Animal well-being is on our hearts, so we purchase our whey exclusively from Appenzeller goats, which profit from regional keeping and sustainable pasture feeding of the animals – all this happens within the family, in the business of Mathias Koch Appenzeller Ziegenprodukte AG.